Monday, April 4, 2011

||Wedge Obsessed ||Spring 2011||

I am absolutely in love with wedges always have and always will be! Since I am 5'9, I find it extremely hard to walk in shoes with a thinner heels, also because of my height I always felt a little self conscious with wearing "high" heels. Wedges are a better alternative for me because a) they are so cute and b) I get the fierce look of a heel without looking like 7 foot tree :) haha 

For the record I love these wedges but I know for now and for a very long time, I won't be able to spend this much on shoes, (however much they cost), and so I love looking for look a likes or cheaper yet still cute alternatives :) If you know anywhere I can find awesome, inexpensive wedges or shoes with a thicker heel, let a girl know. For now, enjoy these bad boys.

Tila March

Camilla Skovgaard


Stuart Weitzman 
 Stuart Wetizman
 Pierre Hardy
 Pierre Hardy
 Pierre Hardy

These pictures are from

Monday, March 28, 2011


I apologize in advance for the unstructured, perhaps grammatically incorrect post you are about to read.

Why is life beating me up right now? I am starting to sound like a whiney brat always complaining but seriously....seriously? This is my blog so I will rant whenever I want lol :P

I am still having this motivation type issue. I am in such a confused state of mind. All my life I was certain with what I wanted to do with my life. Now, I am finding myself exploring other aspects of myself and pursuing other interests that it is actually starting to confuse me. Warning, I am about to get really deep.

How do we find that thing in life that we were meant to do? Are we even meant to do something? Is there a purpose for my existence? Your existence? Now I don't want to get into a religious type of discussion...I just want a general answer. When do we find out what we are supposed to be doing?

I cannot wait to just get all these assignments and exams out of the way so I can just focus on me, myself, and I. I hate going to bed late, I hate waking up late. I hate feeling like there is not enough hours in a day. I hate being rushed, feeling confused, feeling unmotivated, feeling so BLEHHHH.

AGHHHH I think I need help...FA REEELZ!

You know what I do when I am feeling this way...SHOP.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Finally back to blogging. Finally back to recording my videos for youtube. And finally back to being me. I have been stuck in such a slump lately because of school and various other life stressors...recovering though. Slowly but surely. In the meantime...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A love rekindled.

So I decided to work with this thrifted grandpa sweater I got a few weeks ago. I immediately fell in love with it the moment I saw it at Value Village, as soon as I reached home- I hated it! I regretted buying it and questioned what I was thinking. Does that ever happen to you? Well anyways, for some reason, it spoke to me today. A love rekindled. Enjoy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

SO LOW- i need motivation.

blehhh, ever have one of those days where you have so much to do but you are feeling so low to even get started? I feel so drained. I don't know what exactly is draining all of this energy but I hope this phase passes because I have so much school work to do, so much youtube videos to record, outfit posts to do, yoga, volunteering....I basically just have a lot on my plate. I think I should take a long nap and get a fresh start when I wake up. I will let you know how things go...

But seriously, what do you do when you are feeling low?

Monday, February 21, 2011


Hmmm, so I figured since the reason I started creeping blogs was because of fashion related would only be appropriate if my first blog post EVER be somewhat fashion related :) See the logic there? My apologies for future run on sentences and ramblings from a twisted girl. I was playing dress up today and this is what I ended up with. Many of the articles of clothing I am wearing were recently purchased at my local thrift store haul. The black blazer, gorgeous. Only 6 dollars. The lace top underneath it, 4 dollars. The brown bag, 4 dollars!! I absolutely love the great finds at such great prices!! Thrift on my lovely lovelies. Don't forget to wash the clothes. Twice if you can. 
Till next time...